Submitting your Typing Results

Mike Ross

Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

Students completing their keyboarding course off-site will be unable to access the final exam. You can, however, still complete and pass your course by doing the following:

1. Complete ALL Lessons and ALL Self-Tests in Typing Trainer.

2. Attain an average net typing speed on the Typing Trainer Self-Tests equal to or above the required minimum WPM for the course.

Introduction to Keyboarding10 NWPM
Keyboard Skill Building Level 125 NWPM
Keyboard Skill Building Level 240 NWPM
Keyboard Skill Building Level 355 NWPM


All Lesson WPM results are gross WPM with no reduction due to errors made, while Self-Tests are Net WPM, which reduces the resulting WPM based on the number of errors committed. The required minimum WPM for the course is the net WPM.  

3. Once you’ve attained an average net typing speed equal to or above the required minimum WPM for the course, submit your results as described below.

This will result in a pass in the course with a mark equal to the minimum passing WPM.

You can view your progress by clicking the View Progress button on the right side of the Typing Trainer window. 

Once you have achieved both of these requirements, print out the progress report by clicking the Print Progress button and selecting the Print to PDF option. Email the file to your campus.

Remember, in order to pass this course, you must ensure that all Lessons and Self-Tests are completed.

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